2017 Year End Conservation Outlook

You probably read this blog because you have an emotional attachment to birds, maybe particularly to parrots of one species or another. That’s one of the first steps toward engaging people in conservation efforts. When you care about the last Spix macaw in the wild, you’ll look into helping in any way you can. Likewise, you will be sensitive to legislation enacted for or against conservation. Continue reading “2017 Year End Conservation Outlook”

Thankful for My Flock

This is the last blog before Thanksgiving and I want to share with you how thankful I am for the birds with whom I share my days. Over the years as I became more involved in aviculture and my flock grew, I experienced amazing fun things, like a group of a dozen lovebirds flying over my head, some brave enough to land on me, in my living room. These birds also liked to ride on the ceiling fan. We never have it on when any of the birds are out, but these little clowns would land on the blades and flap their wings until it started to move, slowly. Continue reading “Thankful for My Flock”