How Do We Save the Trees?

Probably the most common reason for declining bird populations has to do with habitat destruction. So our first step in saving them must start with saving the trees. No matter if it’s a rain forest, a jungle, or an aspen range, the trees need to be protected and managed by smart groups.

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Seeds and Pellets

My flock’s diet is always of concern to me. I should be giving them fresh vegetables every day, with a bit of fruit and some quinoa during the breeding season. Not being able to do that is my deepest regret and the main reason I want to downsize. If I had a smaller flock, perhaps I would get up to chopping and cooking and fixing better feed every day. I would also, at this time, require additional income.

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Birds in general molt once or twice a year. Molting changes a fledgling into an adult, and gets a bird who has been courting, breeding, and raising chicks back into fine feathers. Feathers wear out so they need to be replaced. The signal to start molting changes by seasons, geographic area, and hormone development. Usually the time to molt is right after the babies leave the nest.

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Fall in Love with Lovebirds

Recently the owners of my rented house had our roof redone. One of the workers bought a pair of zebra finches from me. Another asked me if I had other parrots for sale. He wanted to buy Maynard. I laughed and said no, then mentioned that I used to raise parakeets, cockatiels, and lovebirds. And I had a wave of nostalgia for having a flock of lovebirds around.

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