We Are Almost Out of Time

Last month, I let you know about the very scary Lacey Act amendment that is heading to congress to be passed. This issue is less important, I’m sure, than the overturning of Roe vs. Wade and the continuing gun violence in this country. But do not ignore it, or you may wake up one morning to find out you cannot take your birds or other pets across state lines. This bit of legislation hobbles people in the name of Animal Rights.

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Charlie and the Girls

Quail can be tricky to introduce to a cage where other quail have already been living. This is true for both coturnix quail and button quail, and I have lost a few of each by trying to hurry the introduction process. When Buttermilk, a coturnix quail hen, showed signs of ailing, I brought her inside and put her in a small cage. When she recovered, it was the wrong time of year to put her back out, so I set up everything she would need to live in Charlie the Indian Ringneck’s cage.

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Bo Dangles’s Basement

As an enrichment feature, I give my parrots lots of cardboard boxes to chew on and play with. Bo Dangles, who has no toes, has a solid metal shelf in her cage so she can sit and eat and drink where she can easily see us and the other birds. Now and then, we’ll look into her cage and not see a parrot. We soon learned to look below her shelf at the cardboard boxes on the bottom of her cage, and we began referring to that area as Bobo’s basement.

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Why I Write Romance Novels

Taking care of canaries, finches, doves, parrots, quail, and so on, is a hobby that takes a lot of my time, so it may surprise you to find out that I have another hobby that is also time consuming. Writing Romance novels takes a lot of research, learning, testing out stories, and finding time to write. While no one will die if I don’t write, my ideas might get lost in the shuffle.

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