Staying Positive in Conservation

As an American, I have become very depressed and hurt due to the state of conservation in my country. The government has no wish to sacrifice even a few dollars to help any creature in the wild survive. They would gladly pollute the air, the water, and the land to put more money in their own pockets. This attitude is so disheartening for those of us who know the earth cannot tolerate this treatment for very long. We already face the extinction of bees, which will signal the slow death by starvation of the human race. Continue reading “Staying Positive in Conservation”

The Story of Fin and Rebel, Lovebirds

Many horrible things have happened to birds in my care. I am sick at heart when I think of these things. One of the worst was when a lovebird touched an exposed plug and died of electrocution. That was Tekla, a sweet peach face girl who was a present to me and a mate for my disabled lovebird Fin. I had grown to love her in the few months I had her. I talked about it on Facebook, and a friend offered me her violet lovebird. Continue reading “The Story of Fin and Rebel, Lovebirds”

More Thoughts About Water

Rain is making part of my care of outside birds part easier and part harder. I’m sure you can figure out the easier part. The birds aren’t drinking as much water so their containers stay full longer. And occasionally a bowl is placed just in the right place to catch the rain. This natural source of splash dishes makes the finches very happy. Continue reading “More Thoughts About Water”

December Potpourri

Winter Comes to Southern California

We just survived three straight days of rain here, starting the day before Thanksgiving and ending the day after. Most of the outside birds are up and in no danger of flooding in their habitat. However, the zebra finches and button quail in the main aviary do get a bit swampy where there is no roof. I put straw down to absorb the water and make it easier to walk in there. The darn zeebs love to use straw as nest-building material. Or maybe they are trying to insulate the walls. They like to weave the straw in and out of the aviary wall wire.


Continue reading “December Potpourri”