Weeds Have Their Place

In August of 2018, Monsanto, make of herbicide Roundup and splicer of genes in many grains lost a lawsuit over the popular weed killer. A court ruled that the man who brought the suit forward had contracted cancer due to constant use at his place of employment of “harmless” Roundup. The chemical glyphosate has now been linked to court documents worth of cancers and other serious illnesses. Continue reading “Weeds Have Their Place”

Not My Parrots, Not My Aviary, I Just Work Here

One of the joys of my life is taking care of other people’s birds. I was able to help out friends when one of them had an organ transplant and their lorikeet couldn’t be around him for a few months. I helped a breeder feed her baby birds while she took a trip to Hawaii, then a trip to a family reunion. And I have fostered a conure until her owner could take her back home. All of these experiences have been fun, educations, and a touch bittersweet when the birds went back to the owner. Continue reading “Not My Parrots, Not My Aviary, I Just Work Here”

What Are Words For?

After my recent post about helping rehome (I said adopt) a few birds, someone pointed out to me that the use of some phrases would cast my blog in a bad light. This educated, wonderful person pointed out that the terminology of the groups and ideologies which are working to eliminate our animals from our lives opens the door for them to carry their point and puts us at a disadvantage. Continue reading “What Are Words For?”

Mapping Their World

A step in recovering from the loss of my beloved terrier, Tilda, has been adopting a new dog. She’s a really loving and sweet girl named Astrid. She couldn’t be more different than Tilda, in spite of looking similar. I am particularly concerned about Astrid’s joy in chasing birds. When we walk at the lake, she tries to get all the doves and sparrows and jays that cross her path. Continue reading “Mapping Their World”

More Parrot Adoptions

If I were smarter, I probably would open an adoption agency for parrots. I’m not talking about a rescue, and I am happy they are out there. They provide a service that has a lot of value. I mean a place where prospective parronts can come and fill out paperwork about the kind of bird experience they have, what they are looking for, and the noise level they can stand. For a small fee, I will search my files where people post birds they need to rehome. Continue reading “More Parrot Adoptions”