Conservation of the Future

If you are a fan of the movie Silent Running, you know that the world in 1972 believed humans were going to do Really Bad Things to Planet Earth and have to launch into space all remaining plants and animals to save them. And then blow them up anyway. Oops! Spoiler. Rachel Carson started opening eyes with her book, Silent Spring, ten years earlier. But I have to wonder if any of this created a feeling of inevitability and therefore became self-fulfilling prophecy. Continue reading “Conservation of the Future”

Fall in Love with Conures

Conures are small South American parrots related to macaws. Also found in southern Mexico and the Caribbean, they pack a whole lot of personality in their small bodies. Regardless of type, they are clowns, they are affectionate, they are social and they are vocal, as long as they have been hand fed and raised with lots of people around them. YouTube has a ton of videos showing these sweet birds being cute. Continue reading “Fall in Love with Conures”