Parrots in Need

Recent studies have shown that parrots are among the most endangered species on our planet. They have intelligence, the ability to talk, the tendency to bond closely to people, and a colorful appearance that attracts and pleases the eye. People love parrots. And so they are sought as pets, as study subjects, and zoo residents, and as feather decorations. Some tribes in the Amazon and Africa also eat parrots because there are no Qwik Marts available. We need to draw a line between our “civilized” reactions and the culture and traditions of other peoples. Continue reading “Parrots in Need”

Fall in Love with Cockatiels

Many people have a pet cockatiel as their first bird. After finches, I was gifted with a male cockatiel whom I named Palafox. Even though he hated hands and would not step up, he would step from his cage to my shoulder and sit there preening my hair. He sang sweet chirpy songs and became spoiled rotten. No wonder these Australian small parrots are so popular here. Continue reading “Fall in Love with Cockatiels”

A Day in the Life of Citron the Sun Conure

If you have never had a conure in your flock, you could be missing the perfect companion bird for you. Each species of conure has its own special attributes and problems. Green Cheeks are the quieter ones, Golden Conures are the top of the line, and in between is a range of delights to choose from. If you want a clown bird, then consider a Sun Conure. Continue reading “A Day in the Life of Citron the Sun Conure”

Birds and the Apocalypse

Could be all of us have friends who are survivalists, who expect civilization to cease to exist suddenly and thus have learned how to find water, build shelters with limited tools, hunt small game, and glean roots, berries, nuts, and wild grains. Or maybe it’s just me. Anyway, with things as they are in the world at large, these folks might not be as far off base as all that. My dog would have to learn to hunt for her dinner and go without regular grooming. Unless I can keep a pair of scissors sharp. Continue reading “Birds and the Apocalypse”