Is Conservation Working?

In the Lunar calendar, 2022 is the Year of the Tiger. How wonderful that is for conservationists working to preserve the endangered cat. Back in 2010, the 13 countries lucky enough to have a tiger population met in a summit in St. Petersburg, Russia, to sign a declaration to double the number of tigers before the next “Year of the Tiger”.

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Senior Birds

There have been times over the years since I started gathering my flocks of parrots, finches, canaries, doves, and quail that I have lost a dear soul for one reason or another. The ones that happened through my negligence will always haunt me. But the ones that live a long time and pass on quietly are special souls. Most recently, I lost Kai, a cockatiel who was very beautiful and always walked around with one wing up. Here are the senior birds in my flock these days, the ones that have been with us for many years.

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Eggs-actly What I Wished For

You may recall, if you read these blogs regularly, or are a friend who has tried to help me out, for a while there I had a lot of male zebra finches and almost no hens. In fact, I introduced a hen and she died within a week. I realize what I should have done in retrospect, but still I hate that such a beautiful bird didn’t survive.

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