Bird Shows for Conservation

Often when I talk about my birds and the fun I have with them, I get those people who think I am a horrible person. Birds, they tell me, belong out in the wild, able to fly and mate and raise young. I gently withdraw from talking to those people. We can’t even agree to disagree. They are just, plain wrong. Continue reading “Bird Shows for Conservation”

Spreading the Love of Aviculture

My bird club, North County Aviculturists, has been around for going on thirty years. Many of the members currently are older, retired, and facing the realization that they need to rehome or find a way to care for their birds in the event of their death. We’re not attracting many young members. The same core of people volunteers and take on all the offices and positions over and over again.


North County Aviculturists teaches about all types of birds.


Continue reading “Spreading the Love of Aviculture”