Birds Lost and Found

When a species has not been seen in the wild for decades, it can be thought extinct. Many species have suddenly reappeared when we thought the last straw had blown away. Even when low numbers have been spotted but a major natural catastrophe sweeps through, you could think all hope was gone. Continue reading “Birds Lost and Found”

The Difference Between Parrots and Dogs

Sure, you know that dogs are mammals and parrots are birds. Dogs have puppies live and parrots lay eggs. Parrots often mate for life while dogs will hump any leg that wanders by. But really, there are other differences and depending on how important those are to you, you might be better off not getting a bird.

011319 rescue parrot

Continue reading “The Difference Between Parrots and Dogs”

Good Morning, Birds

My house is bursting with birds right now. I had expected to board some of them for a couple weeks, but sadly things have gotten complicated and they have been here over a month. It’s all on account of the real estate markets in the areas where my friend is looking. And I think it’s especially good that the birds are with me and not somewhere running up a huge bill for her. Continue reading “Good Morning, Birds”