The American Federation of Aviculture’s Conservation Activities

Since 1974, the American Federation of Aviculture (AFA) has had this Mission Statement: The mission and purpose of AFA shall be to promote the advancement of Aviculture through educational programs that support the advancement and improvement of breeding practices, husbandry practices, and living conditions for exotic birds, conservation, research and legislative awareness. Their web site landing page is full of great things for all lovers of birds. There are courses to take, archives of the AFA Magazine articles on line, the how and why of leg bands, and news from their disaster relief programs.

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Why Does Bo Dangle?

Ten or more years ago when a member of my bird club discovered her African Gray parrots had hatched out a chick, and then become scared of something and mutilated the baby, she thought she would have to have the wee baby put down. How could a parrot survive without feet? In the years since then, I have known many birds, parrots especially, who lead meaningful lives in spite of disabilities and special needs. Mickaboo is a non-profit organization that takes in companion birds when they are in need, and some of the parrots have special needs.

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Not long ago, early September, I saw a button quail chick running around in the big Aviary. I picked it up and put it in a brooder. Showed it where the food and water was, and kept the heat nice and warm. The little one didn’t make it through the night. Not unusual with these fragile little beings. Two days later, I remembered the rest of the eggs, unhatched, and thought I should get them out of there. No ants had found the eggs, so I scooped them up and went to the area where I left them usually for the crows.

Continue reading “Wiggles”


After losing more birds than I want to count to rodents in only two cages, I had enough. I put the two remaining button quail, Sterling and Monique, in a small cage while I finished cleaning out the coop, formerly known as the Honeymoon Suite. Miso and Taffy had been in there for long enough to need a cleaning, and I had moved them to a cage near my back door. Once their coop was reset for them, I put then in and put the buttons in their cage.

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