Another Look at Conservation Wins

With the United States’ recently passed bill that will improve our standing on the planet’s survival, it’s a good time to look at other forward steps that have been made in the conservation area. While I usually focus on birds that have been saved, I’ll look at all life in this overview. We have at least learned that all life, plants, insects, mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, amphibians, etc., are connected in their natural biomes.

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Global Rainforest Conservation

Several years ago, someone who reads these blog posts on Facebook complained about the recurring subject of climate change. This person called the subject a political one. I needed several hours to figure out what she was talking about. Now I know that there are people who are otherwise intelligent but who do not want to take any responsibility for global warming. I don’t know how to deal with that.

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Good News for a Change

When anyone brings up the subject of Climate Change, listeners react in various ways according to their ideologies. More conservative people might still think that all this fuss about weather and a warming planet is exaggerated or totally made up. More liberal people might think we are past the point of no return and will have to prepare to live on a planet that grows increasingly hostile to humans and animals.

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The American Federation of Aviculture’s Conservation Activities

Since 1974, the American Federation of Aviculture (AFA) has had this Mission Statement: The mission and purpose of AFA shall be to promote the advancement of Aviculture through educational programs that support the advancement and improvement of breeding practices, husbandry practices, and living conditions for exotic birds, conservation, research and legislative awareness. Their web site landing page is full of great things for all lovers of birds. There are courses to take, archives of the AFA Magazine articles on line, the how and why of leg bands, and news from their disaster relief programs.

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California’s Ark

The Los Angeles Times recently published an in-depth article about various groups attempting to save plants and animals from extinction. Fire and heat, increasing in this part of the world due to climate change, are seriously threatening the wildlife we love in our state. Botanists are collecting seeds, scientists are relocating specimens for captive breeding, and conservationists are campaigning to have important habitats declared national monuments.

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Saving Trees

If they wanted to, Billionaires could save the world. Some are making the attempt by purchasing acres of the rainforest in Brazil and not allowing that land to be changed in any way. There does need to be another component to replace whatever the forest means to the native peoples. If they were parrot poachers, then make them guardians of a captive breeding population. Make them guides for eco-tourism. Make keeping the forest and animals safe part of their livelihood.

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Conservation and Macaws

In case you never learned this in geography classes, the scarlet macaw is the national bird of Honduras. This parrot is truly magnificent, with a large wingspan, a meter or more across. The plumage is in vivid colors and prized by tribes in the area for decoration and ceremonies. They are also a bird that is easy to hand raise and sell for thousands of dollars as pets.

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More on Wild Connections

What can you do to help conservationist and scientists using your own companion birds? Note as nearly as you know the bird’s age and daily weight. Track health issues and what the bird prefers to eat. And also if your pet is in good shape for breeding. My Congo African Gray, Jessie, lays eggs now and then, and has ever since she has been in the same room with Blind Io, my male CAG. I wouldn’t breed them, due to his blindness. But a friend just rescued a male CAG and suggested we put the two together. Her bird, Zulu, is older but in good health. It’s an exciting idea but at this time more than I can take on.

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Is Conservation Working?

Daily it seems we lose more species of animals from our planet. We aren’t doing enough, we are saving so few creatures, and we don’t know if what we are doing is working. Money is involved in so many ways, motivating people too often to clear cut timber, catch parrots for the pet trade, and shoot destructive animals who are attracted by crops.

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